4’ x 6’ Gray and Red Prism Pattern Area Rug


Capturing the elements of contemporary styling to the fullest, this Gray and Red Prism Pattern Area Rug brings forth a visually intriguing abstract artwork to spruce up any modern living space. The clean-lined prism patterns create an illusion of broken pieces in shades of black and gray with prominent maroon red edges which resembles a textured graphite pencil sketch. Made in Turkey with 100% polypropylene to stand up to the elements of indoor areas while being super durable, stain-resistance, and easy to clean. The high pile construction adds to the surface interest providing a soft and plush underfoot for optimum comfort. Subtle, sophisticated, and stylish from every angle, this area rug is meant to add a dimension to the floors of your modern interior. 66” x 45” x 0.8” In Stock Items Ship in 3 Days

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Categories: , SKU: 390333 Tags:


Capturing the elements of contemporary styling to the fullest, this Gray and Red Prism Pattern Area Rug brings forth a visually intriguing abstract artwork to spruce up any modern living space. The clean-lined prism patterns create an illusion of broken pieces in shades of black and gray with prominent maroon red edges which resembles a textured graphite pencil sketch. Made in Turkey with 100% polypropylene to stand up to the elements of indoor areas while being super durable, stain-resistance, and easy to clean. The high pile construction adds to the surface interest providing a soft and plush underfoot for optimum comfort. Subtle, sophisticated, and stylish from every angle, this area rug is meant to add a dimension to the floors of your modern interior. 66” x 45” x 0.8”

In stock Items Ship in 3 Days


Additional information

Weight 11.00 lbs
Dimensions 0.8 × 45 × 66 in




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